Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dipping my toe in...

I love to read blogs and for over a year now, have maintained this blog solely as a place to store my blog links. But, I can’t seem to find a blog that I can really relate to. So, I am starting my own.

I am part Carrie Bradshaw and part Laura Ingalls Wilder. I love fashion and the big city but I also love to sew and make things by hand. I lean more towards simplicity and a slower place, yet am always busy. I adore my children with every ounce of my being, yet am not defined by them. I outsource and I DIY. I am way too hard on myself and am a professional worrier. It is completely normal for me to shop at Goodwill and the Neiman Marcus outlet in the same afternoon. I am sort of ADD.

Here are the top 10 reasons my blog will be different than a lot of what I am finding out there:

I don’t live in Manhattan.

I don’t live in L.A.

I have small (human) children and don’t consider dogs to be children.

I have a full-time job.

I don’t home school.

I don’t think waiting until $1200 shoes are on sale for $700 makes a person cost-conscious.

I am not a size 0 or 2. I am not even an 8. I am WELL into the double digits, people.

I can’t commit to posting my outfits daily – see #3 and #4 above.

I am (way) over the age of 30.

I do not love (or really even like) to cook.

Wow. Do I really have time for this blog thing?


Emily said...

LOVE it. Can't wait!

Nicole Kreiling said...

Love it!!! You should blog! Except for the part about dogs not being real children. I guess I can't relate because I have no human children, however my dog is my daughter (or "dogger") and I love her like I would love a human child. Could you please start posting neat things you find at goodwill? Can't wait for the new one to open!!!!

Lauren said...

You are awesome and amazing and I guarantee this would be a daily read for me! Plus, I can't wait to steal outfit ideas and craft projects from you!!! Kisses :)

Lauren said...

Oh, and I just added you to my blogroll! :)

bornagaindancer said...

Yes! We are all full of apparent "contradictions" that aren't really so, they are what make us colorful and unique! Looking forward to reading more.

Jill S said...

You are inspiring! Great work...thanks for being honest and saying the stuff we all want to say! Keep it up! Love that you have human children too!!!!